

WHEN It all started.... 

At the age of four, I was introduced to the horse-world for the first time. I had rescued my first "pony," a truly wild mustang that had been on its way to a Canadian slaughter house. That was the beginning of my family saving rescue horses. Growing up around half-starved, abused, neglected, and un-handled horses I learned a lot of patience and natural horsemanship.  

Several years later, I fell in love with a chronically lame horse, Gracy. After countless vet visits, different shoeing styles, and late-night research, I decided to attend farrier school. In the spring of 2012, I graduated Mission Farrier School in Washington state, and my hoof hugging addiction began. Traveling all over New England and New York providing the best hoof care, specializing in lower limb lameness has not only been my profession but also my passion. 

Shortly after moving to central Vermont, I took a short seven-month maternity leave to build my beautiful family. Now I am looking forward to building a new clientele in the area. 

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